Stonehenge and Salisbury

Stonehenge – the Mystery Stones – will we ever truly understand the reasons for this amazing feat of pre-historic engineering? What god would demand this much devotion?

Or perhaps it is a giant sundial, but how was it designed to be so astrologically precise?

These questions, the myths that have grown up over the ages and the influence of the surrounding landscape add to the  wonder of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

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Nearby Salisbury is home to one of Britain’s most beautiful cathedrals, its spire was the tallest structure in the world, built on just four feet of foundations. The cathedral exudes an aura of timeless peace and spirituality and is set in a magnificent precinct.

Salisbury Cathedral houses the finest of the four surviving original 1215 Magna Carta documents now on display in the Chapter House. The Magna Carta’s clauses on social justice form the cornerstone of modern democracy & liberty worldwide; they are as pertinent today as they were 800 years ago.